Category Archives: Noise regulation

How to reduce noise levels in cities

Are you one of the nearly 70 million Europeans who are exposed to noise levels above 55 dB on a daily basis? Due to a wide range of health issues related to high noise levels, the European Commission requires that member states map the noise levels in cities and large towns. But how do we […]

Noise in Cities

panama city

Noise in cities is an issue. In Panama City they have chosen to legislate against noise. In the city, noise levels cannot exceed 60d(B)A from 6 pm to 10 pm and after 10 pm the threshold is 50 d(B)A. In order to learn more about this legislation, among other things, we have talked to our distributor in […]

5 tips to reduce noise at hospitals

You can experience noise in many places, because noise can stem from almost anything. Noise is also present at hospitals even though most people would say that they make an effort to speak less loud, precisely because they are at a hospital. Small sounds can lead to noise It is not only people talking that […]

The amount of noise your ears can handle


According to the dictionary, noise means loud and disruptive sound. The sound can stem from machines, but it can also come from music, or from people talking. We are all exposed to noise every day. Your ear can stand a maximum of 85 decibel as an average noise level over a day, before it is […]

SoundEar in place – at Audi

AUDI uses SoundEar II

Audi is using SoundEar II Industry to focus on noise levels in the working environment. Audi, like other big German businesses, has its own dual vocational training department. Situated in Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm, more than 2,600 trainees are working as part of a beginning career at Audi. Audi has chosen to focus on noise levels not only […]